Trusted by the world’s largest companies

Learn how our customers use Alpha Intelligence to accelerate impact

Case Studies by Industry

  • Citi Bank

    Offer exclusive channel discounts to Fincake users and analyze data to maximize benefits

  • HSBC

    Through AlphaLoan & Fincake data, the benefits of the product are efficiently and tailor-made to the users, increasing the conversion rate

  • Standard Chartered

    Co-launched "Alpha Express Loan" with AlphaLoan to optimize user experience.

  • Puyong Archiland

    Integrate Alpha Intelligence's data and analysis technology to provide customers with more digital services and improve satisfaction


    Combine AlphaKYC's API to provide a faster and more convenient user experience

  • NT100k

    Nt 100k is a platform using CreditOne's data science technology, which creates an automated end-to-end loan experience.

  • Our clients

    We power FinTech solutions with AI to help you make faster, smarter decisions and enable change at scale

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